2022-08-26 10:31Nyheter

Elisa Markula appointed CEO of VR Group 

VR Group’s Board of Directors has appointed Elisa Markula (M.Sc. Econ.) as the new CEO of the company. Prior to joining VR Group, Markula was the CEO of Oriola Corporation, the CEO of Tikkurila Group and Managing Director of the Coffee Division for Paulig Group. Markula will assume responsibilities on 30 August 2022.  

During the selection process, the Board of Directors of VR Group emphasised customer orientation, good leadership qualities, successful performance, and international business expertise. Kjell Forsén, Chairman of the Board, is very pleased to announce Elisa Markula as the new CEO of VR Group.  

“Elisa has extensive experience in B2B and B2C operations both in Finland and abroad, especially in Sweden. She has successfully managed various businesses with a humane and inspiring touch. We are convinced that she is the right person to steer the company into the future. We warmly welcome her to VR Group and thank Topi Simola for his valuable work as interim CEO”, says Forsén. 

“I am very excited about the new opportunity at VR Group and meeting the personnel. VR Group has an important role as a responsible and customer-oriented company providing passenger, logistics and maintenance services in Finland and in Sweden. Rail and public transport are growing fields that are more sustainable compared to other forms of transportation and they contribute to our society’s carbon neutral target. Together with our personnel, we focus on continuously improving VR Group's operations and customer experience as well as seeking growth. This way, we realise VR Group's vision: Getting there together for a better world. I strongly believe in good corporate culture that allows us to create the best possible customer experience together,” says Elisa Markula. 

The recruitment process for the CEO of VR Group started in April 2022. Topi Simola, Senior Vice President of Passenger Services, has served as interim CEO. After Markula's appointment, Simola will return to the responsibilities of Senior Vice President of Passenger Services. 

VR-Group Plc 

Board of Directors

Om VR Sverige

VR i Sverige ansvar för Pågatågen i södra Sverige på uppdrag av Skånetrafiken. Andra uppdrag för Skånetrafiken är busstrafiken i Helsingborg och Kristianstad. I Östergötland ansvarar VR i Sverige för Östgötapendeln på uppdrag av Östgötatrafiken. I Stockholm kör VR buss, spårvagn och lokaltåg på uppdrag av SL. Med cirka 3 200 medarbetare, 800 bussar, 122 tåg och 65 spårvagnar skapar vi moderna transportlösningar där säkerheten alltid kommer i första hand. VR i Sverige ägs av finska VR Group som sedan 160 år tillbaka kör tåg, bussar och spårvagnar i Finland. Tillsammans tar vi ett stort miljöansvar och bidrar till att minska trafikens miljöeffekter och samhällets koldioxidavtryck.


Christer Ekelund
Christer Ekelund